דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים Moolec Science רוכשת יכולות לייצור מרכיבי מזון לאיחוד טכנולוגיית החקלאות המולקולרית
Moolec Science רוכשת יכולות לייצור מרכיבי מזון לאיחוד טכנולוגיית החקלאות המולקולרית
חיים נוי 12/04/23 |  צפיות: 276

Moolec Science רוכשת יכולות לייצור מרכיבי מזון לאיחוד טכנולוגיית החקלאות המולקולרית

Moolec Science SA , חברה לייצור מרכיבי מזון המבוסס על מדע המתמקדת בייצור חלבונים מן החי בצמחים באמצעות חקלאות מולקולרית, הודיעה היום על רכישת יכולות לייצור מרכיבי מזון צמחיים המוקדשות לייצור ומסחור של חלבוני סויה פונקציונליים. רכישה זו תעזור להאיץ את צמיחתה של Moolec בתעשיית מרכיבי המזון על ידי הרחבת הרשת המסחרית שלה עם צוות מכירות מהשורה הראשונה ועם השלמת פלטפורמת החקלאות המולקולרית שלה עם קיבולת תעשייתית, פעילות מול הלקוחות וצוות מנוסה מאוד של אנשי מקצוע.

Moolec Science Acquires Food Ingredient Capabilities to Consolidate Molecular Farming Technology


Moolec Science SA (NASDAQ:MLEC; "Company"; "Moolec"), a science-based food ingredient company focused on producing animal proteins in plants through Molecular Farming, announced today the acquisition of plant-based food ingredient capabilities dedicated to the production and commercialization of functional soy proteins. This will help to accelerate Moolec's growth in the food ingredients industry by expanding its commercial network with a top-notch sales team and complementing its Molecular Farming Platform with industrial capacity, downstream operations, and a highly experienced team of professionals.

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"This strategic decision accelerates our business plan's execution by combining existing commercial and manufacturing capabilities in different geographies, with the deep-science approach of our Molecular Farming Platform. As a result, Moolec is well-positioned to accelerate its sales ramp ahead of schedule starting in the 2023/2024 period with estimated revenues in the range of $6 million," said José López Lecube, Moolec Science's Chief Financial Officer.

These Food Ingredient Capabilities resulting from the integration of ValoraSoy include state-of-the-art industrial facilities with a processing capacity of 10,000 tons strategically located in one of the main Argentine soybean corridors; a team of technicians, engineers, agronomists, and plant-based professionals; and commercial channels in more than 14 countries on three different continents. Soy-based protein ingredients are manufactured using several extrusion technologies and processes which yield ingredients with texture and fibrousness similar to meat. These solutions are utilized in several end products such as hamburgers, sausages, and other plant-based products in the traditional and alternative food industries, industrially and commercially complementary with Moolec's Molecular Farming pipeline.

Henk Hoogenkamp, Chief Product Officer and co-founder of Moolec, declared, "We believe plant-based technologies and Molecular Farming taken together have the power to contribute towards global food security. Moolec is developing the plant-proteins of the future by using highly efficient high-protein crops, in this case soybeans, to produce a wide variety of proteins naturally found in animals. Combining these crops with ValoraSoy's capabilities, we can accelerate our technology rollout but also specifically target certain solutions by incorporating real-time feedback from existing customers around the globe. Leveraging this position, we can consolidate our Molecular Farming platform and lower the cost of protein-rich foods as we drive functionality, nutrition, and affordability for the up-and-coming economies of the world," he finished.

The transaction contemplates acquiring 100% of ValoraSoy in exchange for $6 million, of which ~$2.5 million is paid in cash, and the rest is paid with Moolec's shares in three years based on vesting and business metrics. Pursuant to the share purchase agreement, the Company will retain a portion of the purchase price for a period of 12 months after signing of the transaction documents. The payment in shares is subject to vesting and the achievement of business milestones over a period of three years.

Moolec will give a Business Update in Mid-May to review the overall progress of the Company and the most recent events. For more information on ValoraSoy, click here.

About Moolec Science SA

Moolec is a science-based food ingredient company focused on producing animal proteins in plants through Molecular Farming, a disruptive technology in the alternative protein landscape. Its purpose is to upgrade the taste, nutrition, and affordability of alternative protein products while building a more sustainable and equitable food system. The Company's technological approach aims to have the cost structure of plant-based solutions with the organoleptic properties and functionality of animal-based ones. Moolec's technology has been under development for more than a decade and is known for pioneering the production of a bovine protein in a crop for the food industry. The Company's product portfolio and pipeline leverages the agronomic efficiency of broadly used target crops, like safflower, soybean, and pea. Moolec has a growing international patent portfolio (23, both granted and pending) for its Molecular Farming technology. The Company is run by a diverse team of Ph.Ds and Food Insiders, and operates in the United States, Europe, and South America. For more information, visit www.moolecscience.com.

Contact Information

Catalina Jones
Chief of Staff & Sustainability
[email protected]

Martín Taraciuk
Investor Relations
[email protected]

Michael Bowen
[email protected]

Related Files

Moolec Science Acquires Food Ingredient Capabilities To Consolidate Molecular Farming Technology - 2023.04.11.pdf

SOURCE: Moolec Science

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 חיים נוי

חיים נוי, עיתונאי, עורך ראשי של סוכנות החדשות הבינ"ל IPA, לשעבר עורך ראשי של סוכנות הידיעות עתים, חבר תא מבקרי התיאטרון באגודת העיתונאים


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