דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים Chain מחוללת מהפכה בתשתית הבלוקצ'יין עם Chain Cloud 2.0
Chain מחוללת מהפכה בתשתית הבלוקצ'יין עם Chain Cloud 2.0
חיים נוי 12/04/23 |  צפיות: 250

Chain מחוללת מהפכה בתשתית הבלוקצ'יין עם Chain Cloud 2.0

Chain, חברת טכנולוגיה מבוססת בלוקצ'יין ששמה לה למטרה לאפשר כלכלה חכמה ומחוברת יותר, הודיעה לאחרונה על ההשקה הגלובלית הצפויה של Chain Cloud 2.0.הגרסה האחרונה של Chain Cloud עומדת לחולל מהפכה בפריסה ובניהול של צמתי בלוקצ'יין הן עבור מפתחים והן עבור לקוחות מוסדיים, עם מהירויות בזק וממשק משתמש אינטואיטיבי. Chain Cloud 2.0, הפועל על פלטפורמת תשתית הענן של Vultr, מספק את הביצועים והזמינות הגבוהים ביותר בלמעלה מ-30 מיקומי נתוני ענן ברחבי העולם.

Chain Revolutionizes Blockchain Infrastructure with Chain Cloud 2.0

Next Generation Enterprise-grade Blockchain Infrastructure Powered by Industry-leading Independent Cloud Platform Vultr


Chain, a blockchain-based technology company on a mission to enable a smarter and more connected economy, just announced the highly-anticipated global release of Chain Cloud 2.0. Chain Cloud's latest version is set to revolutionize the deployment and management of blockchain nodes for both developers and institutional clients, with lightning-fast speeds and an intuitive user interface. Running on Vultr's cloud infrastructure platform, Chain Cloud 2.0 delivers the highest performance and availability across over 30 cloud data locations worldwide.

Related Image

Chain Cloud v 2.0
Chain Cloud 2.0 powered by Vultr

"Chain Cloud v2 is designed to streamline the deployment and management of blockchain nodes for developers and enterprise clients. With our partnership with Vultr, we are confident that this product will continue to drive innovation and help accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology," said Deepak Thapliyal, CEO of Chain.

Chain Cloud 2.0 is the ultimate solution for businesses and organizations looking to leverage the full potential of blockchain technology. Chain Cloud 2.0 offers a fully interactive dashboard that empowers developers and institutional clients to manage their nodes, monitor analytics, scale their servers as needed, and much more. With Vultr's high-performance cloud infrastructure, Chain Cloud 2.0 is optimized for maximum flexibility and speed, ensuring that users can quickly and easily spin up and configure blockchain nodes within minutes. Built on Vultr, Chain Cloud 2.0 delivers simplified infrastructure deployment to all Chain Cloud users.

"Blockchain infrastructure provides an essential foundation for Web3 to revolutionize transactions, payments, and business models," said J.J. Kardwell, CEO of Constant, the parent company of Vultr. "Chain Cloud is helping deliver the enterprise-grade infrastructure demanded by businesses worldwide to accelerate Web3 innovation. As the cloud infrastructure platform for Chain Cloud 2.0, we are excited to partner with Chain to deliver unmatched performance and global reach to blockchain developers and enterprise clients worldwide."

To learn more, visit https://www.chain.com/enterprise/cloud.

About Chain

Chain is a blockchain infrastructure solution company that has been on a mission to enable a smarter and more connected economy since 2014. Chain offers builders in the Web3 industry services that help streamline the process of developing, and maintaining their blockchain infrastructures. Chain implements a SaaS model for its products that addresses the complexities of overall blockchain management. Chain offers a variety of products such as Ledger, Cloud, and NFTs as a service. Companies who choose to utilize Chain's services will be able to free up resources for developers and cut costs so that clients can focus on their own products and customer experience. Learn more: https://chain.com.

About Constant and Vultr

Constant, the creator and parent company of Vultr, is on a mission to make high-performance cloud computing easy to use, affordable, and locally accessible for businesses and developers around the world. Constant's flagship product, Vultr, is the world's largest privately-held cloud computing platform. A favorite with developers, Vultr has served over 1.5 million customers across 185 countries with flexible, scalable, global Cloud Compute, Cloud GPU, Bare Metal, and Cloud Storage solutions. Founded by David Aninowsky, and completely bootstrapped, Constant has become one of the largest cloud computing platforms in the world without ever raising equity financing. Learn more at www.constant.com and www.vultr.com.

Contact Information

Chain Press
[email protected]

SOURCE: Chain.com

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 חיים נוי

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