דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים Syndesis Health ו- LaCardio חותמות על הסכם שיתוף פעולה מחקרי
Syndesis Health ו- LaCardio חותמות על הסכם שיתוף פעולה מחקרי
חיים נוי 11/05/23 |  צפיות: 219

Syndesis Health ו- LaCardio חותמות על הסכם שיתוף פעולה מחקרי

Syndesis Health הודיעה היום כי חתמה על הסכם שיתוף פעולה מחקרי ושיתוף מידע עם Fundación Cardio Infantil Instituto de Cardiología(LaCardio), בית חולים קרדיווסקולרי מוביל בבוגוטה, קולומביה.

Syndesis Health & LaCardio Sign Research Collaboration Agreement

NEW YORK, NY / May 11, 2023 / ACCESSWIRE:

Syndesis Health announced today that it has signed a research collaboration and information sharing agreement with Fundación Cardio Infantil Instituto de Cardiología (LaCardio), a leading cardiovascular hospital in Bogotá, Colombia.

LaCardio is joining the Syndesis Health Network alongside progressive healthcare institutions from South America, Asia, and Africa. Syndesis Health created its global network of healthcare partners to enable secure access to a multi-country, real-world data set. Syndesis Health's global research platform, Syntium, unifies de-identified clinical data from these healthcare partners in a secure, ethical, and compliant manner for the improvement of global health outcomes.

The partnership enables LaCardio to extend its commitment to improving patient outcomes by leveraging the Syndesis Health platform for access to data, analytics, and other technical resources. In addition, the partnership enables the hospital to engage in collaborative research opportunities with peer institutions around the world that are a part of the network.

Hans Godfrey, COO and head of Latin America data partnerships for Syndesis Health, commented: "We believe that the future of healthcare will be data-driven. With LaCardio as a partner in the Syndesis Health Network, we will together expand the potential for real-world data to enable research and treatments in the cardiovascular space."

Dr. Juan Gabriel Cendales, Executive Director of LaCardio, stated: "One of the strategic priorities of LaCardio as a university hospital and scientific research center is to continue advancing in scientific studies while contributing to the health of the people in Colombia and the region. Having valuable data, evaluating, and applying tools, such as AI, in healthcare allows us to anticipate the needs of the population, evaluate new alternatives and improve the experience of patients and collaborators. This alliance is part of the path in which we are working to be the hospital of the future."

About Syndesis Health

Syndesis Health accelerates research and innovation for healthcare and life sciences companies. The company was founded on the potential for real-world clinical data to advance medical research, improve patient health outcomes, and inform healthcare policy decisions. The Syndesis Health Network enables secure collaboration amongst member organizations and is powered by Syntium, the Syndesis data platform. Visit our website at https://syndesis.com to learn more.

About LaCardio

Fundación Cardioinfantil-LaCardio is a private, nonprofit institution with 50 years of experience. Founded in 1973 by brothers Reinaldo and Camilo Cabrera Polanía, it is one of the few Colombian institutions accredited by the Joint Commission International and has national accreditation granted by ICONTEC. Since 2015, LaCardio is recognized as a University Hospital by the Intersectoral Committee for Human Talent in Health, in compliance of the Ministries of Health and Education of Colombia. Its commitment to health transcends through its mission: to operate on low-income children with heart problems. The MERCO 2022 ranking positioned LaCardio as the best hospital in Colombia. In 2021, Americaeconomia ranked LaCardio 5th in Latin America, evaluating key processes and indicators, including patient safety & dignity, human capital, capacity, and knowledge management.

Contact Information

Leah Patterson 
Chief Marketing Officer
[email protected]

Liliana Milena Toro Sánchez Sánchez 
Marketing & Communications
[email protected]

SOURCE: Syndesis Health


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 חיים נוי

חיים נוי, עיתונאי, עורך ראשי של סוכנות החדשות הבינ"ל IPA, לשעבר עורך ראשי של סוכנות הידיעות עתים, חבר תא מבקרי התיאטרון באגודת העיתונאים


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