דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים תוכנית המטוסים המאושרים מראש של בומברדייה ממשיכה לפרוח, ומציגה את מטוס הצ'לנג'ר 605 החדש ב-EBACE 2023
תוכנית המטוסים המאושרים מראש של בומברדייה ממשיכה לפרוח, ומציגה את מטוס הצ'לנג'ר 605 החדש ב-EBACE 2023
חיים נוי 22/05/23 |  צפיות: 262

תוכנית המטוסים המאושרים מראש של בומברדייה ממשיכה לפרוח, ומציגה את מטוס הצ'לנג'ר 605 החדש ב-EBACE 2023

בומברדייה הציגה היום לראשונה את תוכנית המטוסים המוסמכים שלה (CPO) על ידי הצגתמטוס צ'לנג'ר 605 בתולי בכנס ותערוכת התעופה העסקית האירופית (EBACE). בומברדייה, שהושקה באמצע 2021, היא יצרנית הציוד המקורי הראשונה שמציגה הצעת שיפוץ ושדרוג למטוסי מנהלים - מחלקת פרימיוםשל מטוסי Learjet, Challenger ו-Global,אשר נבחרים, נבדקים ומתעדכנים וכוללים חללי פנים משופצים, צבע טרי, מערכות אוויוניקה וקישוריות משודרגות, כולם עומדים באופן ספציפי בתקני האיכות והבטיחות הגבוהים ביותר של בומברדייה.

Bombardier’s Certified Pre-Owned Aircraft Program Continues to Flourish, Showcases Pristine Challenger 605 Aircraft at EBACE 2023

Bombardier’s Certified Pre-Owned Challenger 605 aircraft

Bombardier’s Certified Pre-Owned Challenger 605 aircraft on display at EBACE

  • Bombardier’s CPO program hasestablished a dynamic premium category forcustomers in the pre-owned business jet market
  • Customer interesthas been overwhelmingly positive with several aircraft in serviceworldwide
  • CPO aircraft carryan exclusive one-year OEM warranty* and are selected by the team,inspected and updated with refurbished interiors, latest avionics andconnectivity enhancements, and freshly completed maintenance


Bombardier today presented for the first time its turn-key Certified Pre-Owned aircraft program (CPO) by showcasing a pristine Challenger 605 aircraft at the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE). Launched in mid-2021, Bombardier is the first OEM to introduce a refurbishment and upgrade offering for business jets – a premium class of pre-owned LearjetChallenger and Global aircraft, that are selected, inspected and updated featuring refurbished interiors, fresh paint, upgraded avionics and connectivity systems, all specifically adhering to Bombardier's highest quality and safety standards.

The stunning Challenger 605 jet featured at EBACE aptly illustrates the attributes of the CPO program, with its immaculate new interior and paint; brand-new Collins Pro Line 21 advanced avionics in the cockpit; industry-defining cost-per-flight-hour Smart Parts Preferred and Smart Link Plus connected aircraft programs enrolled ready; and Ka-Band cabin connectivity. Customer interest in Bombardier’s CPO program is gaining momentum – and with an annual average of 460 used Bombardier aircraft transacting over the past five years, there’s a healthy pool of aircraft to bring into the program.

"Bombardier customers wanted a certified option beyond the traditional pre-owned aircraft offering and our new CPO program certainly delivers on this premise," said Paul Sislian, Executive Vice President, Bombardier Aftermarket Services and Strategy. "As the OEM, we are uniquely positioned to provide them with a best-in-class, turn-key certified aircraft solution – a new and exciting category in the industry."

Bombardier’s Certified Pre-Owned aircraft are fully mission-capable upon delivery: they have airframe, engine and APU program coverage, an exclusive one-year OEM warranty*, and all applicable maintenance completed. All CPO products come with a Level 3 pre-buy inspection and are completed at Bombardier facilities around the world. And under Bombardier’s Smart Services coverage programs, customers receive turnkey solutions consistent with the program available for new aircraft buyers. Smart Services coverage programs are offered for LearjetChallenger and Global aircraft.**

To ensure interested CPO customers have the latest pre-owned information at their fingertips, Bombardier has also created a dedicated pre-owned inventory web page with well-documented spec sheets describing in detail all the modifications, upgrades and maintenance completed on its CPO aircraft. It also produces a comprehensive Bombardier Pre-owned Market Report, highlighting the latest transaction trends, pre-owned inventory saturation levels and market commentaries for all pre-owned Bombardier aircraft.

Confirming Bombardier’s Certified Pre-Owned aircraft program is gaining traction, it is now fully recognized by appraisal authorities such as Aircraft Bluebook, Vref, and AircraftPost, who now report CPO aircraft in a distinct category from other pre-owned aircraft.

*One-year warranty on the airframe. Certain conditions apply.
** May not apply to all aircraft; certain conditions apply.

About Bombardier

Bombardier (BBD-B.TO) is a global leader in aviation, focused on designing, manufacturing, and servicing the world's most exceptional business jets. Bombardier’s Challenger and Global aircraft families are renowned for their cutting-edge innovation, cabin design, performance, and reliability. Bombardier has a worldwide fleet of approximately 5,000 aircraft in service with a wide variety of multinational corporations, charter and fractional ownership providers, governments, and private individuals. Bombardier aircraft are also trusted around the world in government and military special-mission roles leveraging Bombardier Defense’s proven expertise.

Headquartered in Greater Montréal, Québec, Bombardier operates aerostructure, assembly and completion facilities in Canada, the United States and Mexico. The company’s robust customer support network services the LearjetChallenger and Global families of aircraft, and includes facilities in strategic locations in the United States and Canada, as well as in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, the UAE, Singapore, China and Australia.

For corporate news and information, including Bombardier’s Environmental, Social and Governance report, as well as the company’s plans to cover all its flight operations with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) utilizing the Book and Claim system visit bombardier.com. Learn more about Bombardier’s industry-leading products and customer service network at businessaircraft.bombardier.com. Follow us on Twitter @Bombardier.

Bombardier, Certified Pre-Owned, Smart Parts Preferred, Smart Link Plus, Smart Services, Learjet, Challenger, Challenger 605 and Global are registered or unregistered trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.  Pro Line 21 is a trademark of Collins Aerospace.

Visuals related to Bombardier’s announcement at EBACE are available here.

For information

Matthew Nicholls
Sr. Public Affairs and Communications Advisor
+1 514-243-8214
[email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/271da6d5-cbe3-405c-ac72-1f0f7aec38d6

*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית GlobeNewswire

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תגיות של המאמר:

 חיים נוי

חיים נוי, עיתונאי, עורך ראשי של סוכנות החדשות הבינ"ל IPA, לשעבר עורך ראשי של סוכנות הידיעות עתים, חבר תא מבקרי התיאטרון באגודת העיתונאים


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