דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים Blue Hat מתרחבת למסחר בזהב עם שותפויות אסטרטגיות כאשר מחירי הזהב עולים על רקע אופטימיות כלכלית
Blue Hat מתרחבת למסחר בזהב עם שותפויות אסטרטגיות כאשר מחירי הזהב עולים על רקע אופטימיות כלכלית
חיים נוי 15/08/24 |  צפיות: 235

Blue Hat מתרחבת למסחר בזהב עם שותפויות אסטרטגיות כאשר מחירי הזהב עולים על רקע אופטימיות כלכלית

שוק זהב שוקק בפארק התכשיטים שויביי שנג'ן

סצנה תוססת מאזור המסחר בזהב שויביי שנג'ן, המציגה את הבולטות של העיר בתעשיית הזהב והתכשיטים.

הונג קונג, 15 באוגוסט 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology (נאסד"ק: BHAT) מסתמנת כשחקנית מפתח בתעשיית המסחר בזהב. כפי שדווח על ידי רויטרס, מאז 1 באוגוסט 2024, מחירי הזהב הציגו שילוב של תנודתיות ומגמות עלייה, המושפעים מגורמים כלכליים וגיאופוליטיים שונים. הזהב הגיע לשיא משמעותי מעל 2,483 דולר לאונקיה ביולי, בתמיכת סנטימנט שוק חיובי וסיכונים פוליטיים, מה שמצביע על ביקוש חזק לחוף מבטחים. בעוד שתיקונים בטווח הקצר עשויים להתרחש עקב פרסום נתונים כלכליים שונים ודינמיקה בשוק, התחזית לטווח הבינוני והארוך לזהב נותרה שורית, מונעת על ידי המשך הביקוש לחוף מבטחים ואי ודאות כלכלית רחבה יותר.

הזהב ידוע בערכו המתמשך ובתפקידו כגידור מפני אינפלציה וחוסר יציבות פיננסית, ומציע תשואות פוטנציאליות גם בתנאי שוק בלתי צפויים. בכלכלה העולמית התנודתית של היום, הזהב נותר אופציית השקעה יציבה, המוערכת בשל מחסורו והמשיכה האוניברסלית שלו.

Blue Hat Expands into Gold Trading with Strategic Partnerships As Gold Prices Rise Amid Economic Optimism

Bustling Gold Market in Shenzhen Shuibei

A vibrant scene from the gold trading area in Shenzhen Shuibei, showcasing the city's prominence in the gold and jewelry industry.


Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology (NASDAQ:BHAT) is emerging as a key player in gold trading industry. As reported by Reuters, since August 1st, 2024, gold prices have exhibited a mix of volatility and upward trends, influenced by various economic and geopolitical factors. Gold hit a notable high above $2,483 per ounce in July, supported by favorable market sentiment and political risks, indicating strong safe-haven demand​ while short-term corrections might occur due to various economic data releases and market dynamics, the medium to long-term outlook for gold remains bullish, driven by continued safe-haven demand and broader economic uncertainties.

Gold is known for its enduring value and role as a hedge against inflation and financial instability, offering potential returns even in unpredictable market conditions. In today’s volatile global economy, gold remains a stable investment option, prized for its scarcity and universal appeal.

Originally an entertainment company, Blue Hat is now focusing on innovations in the commodity trading arena. The company is planning to integrate artificial intelligence to enhance its offerings, including an intelligent gold supply chain and recycling system, as well as a sophisticated gold derivatives trading platform. Unlike traditional gold companies, Blue Hat is not merely a gold trader earning from the buy-sell spread; rather, it will generate revenue from various aspects of the gold supply chain. Additionally, Blue Hat's gold sources are not limited to newly mined gold but also include gold that recycle from market consumers.

In this environment, Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology is emerging as a key player in gold trading due to their recent business cooperation agreement with Sichuan Jinyinghe Industrial Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen, GTC Group LLC in Dubai and its subsidiary, Golden Alpha Strategy Ltd., has been granted Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Category A Registration by Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department.

In recent years, with changes in international political and economic situations, central banks of various countries have significantly increased their gold reserves, leading to a rapid rise in gold prices. The Company's management believes that the gold industry has transitioned from a period of rapid growth to a period of high-quality development, presenting strategic development opportunities. However, the gold industry in China and other developing markets still faces numerous challenges, such as low levels of scale and concentration, narrow traditional financing channels, poor operational standards, and a lack of credit data. These issues hinder the healthy development of the gold industry. To effectively address these pain points, Blue Hat and Jinyinghe have decided to cooperate in the gold supply chain business.

According to incomplete statistics from industry insiders, Shuibei is known as the 'World's Gem City, which has nearly 7,000 legal entities in the gold and jewelry industry, employs over 70,000 people, and generates revenue exceeding 1 trillion yuan, accounting for over 50% of the domestic gold and jewelry wholesale market.

The Shenzhen Shuibei market is highly relevant in the gold trade for several reasons:

1. Central Hub for Gold Trading: Shuibei is known as one of China's largest gold trading centers. It serves as a primary hub for the purchase and sale of gold, attracting traders and buyers from across the country and internationally.

2. Manufacturing and Processing: The market is a significant center for gold processing and manufacturing. Many companies involved in the creation of gold jewelry and other products operate within this area, making it a vital link in the gold supply chain.

3. Innovation and Design: Shenzhen Shuibei is known for its innovation in jewelry design. It hosts numerous designers and craftsmen who contribute to the creation of new and unique gold jewelry pieces, which helps to set trends in the industry.

4. Economic Impact: The market plays a crucial role in the local and national economy, generating substantial revenue and employment. Its activities significantly contribute to China's position as a leading player in the global gold market.

5. Integration with Technology: The market has increasingly integrated technology in its operations, using digital platforms for trading and showcasing products, which enhances its efficiency and reach.

Besides, Blue Hat’s digital trading solutions are designed to provide flexibility, allowing traders to capitalize on gold price movements without the need for physical storage and insurance. These platforms enable traders to navigate the gold market efficiently, benefiting from high liquidity and continuous market activity. This liquidity allows traders to enter and exit positions swiftly, contributing to the fluidity of the gold market.

Looking ahead, Blue Hat aims to expand its global reach and strengthen its position in the gold market. The company plans to increase its gold holdings, enhance supply chain operations, and refine its digital trading platform. These initiatives are part of Blue Hat's strategy to establish itself as a leading "Smart Gold Trading Platform," targeting markets in Europe, North America, and beyond.

For more information about Blue Hat, please visit Blue Hat's website.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/dad7e01d-9cb3-4e2b-b617-883a53d74e67


Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology

Phone: +86 (592) 228-0010

Email: [email protected]

IR Website: https://ir.bluehatgroup.com

*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית GlobeNewswire

דירוג המאמר:

תגיות של המאמר:

 חיים נוי

חיים נוי, עיתונאי, עורך ראשי של סוכנות החדשות הבינ"ל IPA, לשעבר עורך ראשי של סוכנות הידיעות עתים, חבר תא מבקרי התיאטרון באגודת העיתונאים


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