דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים MPI מכריזה על איסטנבול טורקיה כעיר המארחת של EMEC 2025
MPI מכריזה על איסטנבול טורקיה כעיר המארחת של EMEC 2025
חיים נוי 26/09/24 |  צפיות: 188

MPI מכריזה על איסטנבול טורקיה כעיר המארחת של EMEC 2025

כנס הוועידות והאירועים האירופי חוזר לטורקיה לראשונה מאז 2014

דאלאס, טקסס, 26 בספטמבר 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

Meeting Professionals International (MPI), איגוד הוועידות, התמריצים, הכנסים והתערוכות הגדול בעולם (MICE) עם קהילה גלובלית של 140,000 אנשי מקצוע ו- 13,000 חברות, נרגש להודיע כי כנס הוועידות והאירועים האירופי שלו לשנת 2025 (EMEC) יתקיים באיסטנבול, טורקיה, בין התאריכים 22-25 בפברואר 2025.

MPI Announces Istanbul Türkiye as the Host City for EMEC 2025

European Meetings & Events Conference Returns to Türkiye for the First Time Since 2014

Dallas, Texas, Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

Meeting Professionals International (MPI), the world’s largest Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE) association with a global community of 140,000 professionals and membership of 13,000, is excited to announce that its 2025 European Meetings & Events Conference (EMEC) will take place in Istanbul, Türkiye, from 22-25 February, 2025.

The dynamic city, known for its rich history, culture and unique position bridging Europe and Asia, will once again serve as a vibrant backdrop for the global meetings and events community. The last time EMEC was held in Istanbul was in 2014, and this return marks a significant moment for both MPI and its host. Registration for EMEC Türkiye officially went live on 26 September, 2024, at mpi.org/emec.

In addition to serving as the largest global MICE association, MPI also boasts the industry’s largest EMEA presence with 1,000 members and 10 Chapters and Clubs. Now in its 37th year, EMEC brings together 300-400 global MICE professionals within a format that has received multiple awards, including recognition by BEA and a Gouden Giraffe.

Paul Van Deventer, President and CEO of MPI, emphasized the importance of this return to Istanbul, commenting that “EMEC has long been a cornerstone for the global events community, fostering professional development through innovation, learning and connections. Returning to Istanbul after more than a decade is not only a testament to the city’s enduring appeal but also a clear indicator of the excitement and popularity surrounding this iconic destination. Istanbul offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity that resonates with our international audience, and we are thrilled to bring EMEC back to this vibrant city.”

EMEC is designed with three primary tenets at its core: to serve as an idea incubator for the global MICE community, designed by Europeans for Europeans and to carry a strong reflection of the host destination – its culture, history and heritage.

İsmail Bütün, General Manager of the Türkiye Tourism Promotion and Development Agency (TGA) echoed Van Deventer’s sentiments, underscoring the impact EMEC will have on their global MICE presence. “Hosting EMEC 2025 is a monumental opportunity for Türkiye to showcase its position on the global MICE stage. Istanbul has a proven track record of hosting large-scale international events, and EMEC’s return highlights our commitment to growing and evolving as a premier destination for meetings and events professionals.”

As MPI continues to expand the reach of EMEC, the organization is also pleased to announce that it will soon be releasing a request for proposals (RFP) for the 2026 and 2027 host destinations. With the bar set high for EMEC Türkiye in 2025, MPI invites destinations from around EMEA to apply and showcase their ability to host this prestigious conference.

For more information, visit www.mpi.org/emec.

About MPI

Meeting Professionals International (MPI) is the largest meeting and event industry association worldwide. The organization provides innovative and relevant education, networking opportunities and business exchanges, and acts as a prominent voice for the promotion and growth of the industry. MPI has a global community of 140,000 engaged meeting and event professionals including nearly 13,000 members. It has It has nearly 70 chapters, clubs and members in more than 75 countries worldwide. “When we meet, we change the world.”  www.mpi.org


John Pennington

Meeting Professionals International (MPI)


[email protected]

*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית GlobeNewswire

דירוג המאמר:

תגיות של המאמר:

 חיים נוי

חיים נוי, עיתונאי, עורך ראשי של סוכנות החדשות הבינ"ל IPA, לשעבר עורך ראשי של סוכנות הידיעות עתים, חבר תא מבקרי התיאטרון באגודת העיתונאים


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