דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים נשיא FIA נואם בפני האו"ם בז'נבה וקורא לפעולה סביב תחבורה וניידות פנים יבשתית
נשיא FIA נואם בפני האו"ם בז'נבה וקורא לפעולה סביב תחבורה וניידות פנים יבשתית
חיים נוי 13/02/25 |  צפיות: 69

נשיא FIA נואם בפני האו"ם בז'נבה וקורא לפעולה סביב תחבורה וניידות פנים יבשתית

ז'נבה, 13 בפברואר 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

*מוחמד בן סוליים, נשיא FIA, נאם בפני ועדת התחבורה הפנימית של האו"ם כחלק בלתי נפרד מהמושב ה-87 שלה: הצלחה ואתגרים לתחבורה יבשתית בדרך לשנת 2030

*בן סוליים קרא לנציגים ולמנהיגים העולמיים להמשיך במאמציהם ולהגביר את מאמצי שיתוף הפעולה הבינלאומיים

*המושב סימן את נקודת האמצע של אסטרטגיית ITC 2030

בנאומו בארמון האומות בז'נבה, נשיא הפדרציה הבינלאומית לרכב (FIA), מוחמד בן סוליים, נאם בפני הוועדה הכלכלית של האו"ם לאירופה (UNECE) ועדת התחבורה היבשתית (ITC) במהלך מושבה ה-87.


Geneva, Feb. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

  • MohammedBen Sulayem, FIA President, addressed the UN Inland Transport Committee asan integral part of its 87th Session: Success andChallenges for Inland Transport in the Road to 2030
  • BenSulayem called on delegates and global leaders to continue their effortsand increase international cooperation efforts
  • The Session marked the mid-point of theITC 2030 Strategy

Speaking at the Palais de Nations in Geneva, the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) President, Mohammed Ben Sulayem, addressed the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Inland Transport Committee (ITC) during its 87th Session.

The Session, Success and Challenges for Inland Transport in the Road to 2030, marks the mid-point of the ITC 2030 Strategy and provides the opportunity to review the implementation of the Strategy to date, while discussing the ambitions, successes, and challenges on the path to achieving the strategic objectives.

The ITC Strategy until 2030 is focused around four pillars, whilst also stipulating road safety as a special priority:

  • Developmentof regional and global inland transport conventions
  • Supportto new technologies and innovations
  • Supportto regional, interregional, and global inland transport policy dialogues
  • Promotion of sustainable regional andinterregional inland transport connectivity and mobility

Addressing the Ministerial Session, Ben Sulayem called for action, urging the delegates in attendance to continue their work in making cross-border travel smoother, customs clearance faster, and hazardous goods transport safer.

Calling on global leaders to bolster international cooperation efforts, he said: “We much accelerate implementation, strengthen enforcement, and deepen public-private partnerships. Connectivity must not be a privilege – it must be a right.”

Setting out the clear priorities, Ben Sulayem asked the Session to focus their attention on:

1. Digitalisation of transport procedures: The full implementation of eTIR and eCPD to cut delays and lessen administrative burdens via innovative technological solutions

2. Investment in sustainable infrastructure and fuels: With climate-related risks projected to reach $122 billion, transport corridors must align with decarbonisation goals

3. Stronger public-private partnerships: Leveraging expertise from international organisations and industry leaders, uniting in shared knowledge and continuing the momentum created by the near 1,800 partnerships – many in transport – that are already in place in Europe with a worth of $336 billion

Concluding his address, the FIA President said: “I have dedicated decades to advancing sustainable and connected mobility, and I know what is possible when we turn agreements into actions – and action into lasting change. Now is the time to deliver.”

The ITC is the UN platform to help efficiently address global and regional needs in inland transport. Over the last 75 years, together with its subsidiary bodies, the ITC has provided an intergovernmental forum, where UNECE and United Nations Member States come together to forge tools for economic cooperation and negotiate and adopt international legal instruments on inland transport.

The UNECE is one of the five regional commissions under the jurisdiction of the United Nations Economic and Social Council and was established to promote economic cooperation and integration.

About Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA)

The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) is the governing body for world motorsport and the federation of the world’s leading motoring and mobility organisations.

Founded in 1904, with headquarters in Paris and Geneva, the FIA is a non-profit organisation. It brings together 245 motoring and motor sport club members from 149 countries across five continents. Its Member Clubs represent millions of motorists, mobility users and motor sport professionals and volunteers.

The FIA is a central player in upholding the principles of safety and freedom of mobility and defending mobility’s role as an enabler of sustainable development, with actions focused on three key levers.

1. Advocating for the reduction of barriers preventing road users from making more sustainable and safe transport choices

2. Raising awareness and providing data for consumers and policymakers to encourage environmentally responsible behaviour

3. Accelerating energy efficiency and low-emission technologies

In motor sport, it administers the rules and regulations for all international four-wheel sport, including across all 7 FIA World Championships, to ensure fair, capably regulated and safe events are conducted in all corners of the globe. In the realm of Mobility, the FIA aims to ensure that safe, affordable and clean systems of transport are available to all.



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*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית GlobeNewswire

דירוג המאמר:

תגיות של המאמר:

 חיים נוי

חיים נוי, עיתונאי, עורך ראשי של סוכנות החדשות הבינ"ל IPA, לשעבר עורך ראשי של סוכנות הידיעות עתים, חבר תא מבקרי התיאטרון באגודת העיתונאים


מאמרים נוספים מאת חיים נוי
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