דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים Kronos Fusion Energy חושפת חבילת סימולציה פורצת דרך המבוססת על בינה מלאכותית/ML לכורי היתוך, קוראת לבודקי בטא של הקהילה הגלובלית
Kronos Fusion Energy חושפת חבילת סימולציה פורצת דרך המבוססת על בינה מלאכותית/ML לכורי היתוך, קוראת לבודקי בטא של הקהילה הגלובלית
חיים נוי 03/04/23 |  צפיות: 242

Kronos Fusion Energy חושפת חבילת סימולציה פורצת דרך המבוססת על בינה מלאכותית/ML לכורי היתוך, קוראת לבודקי בטא של הקהילה הגלובלית

Kronos Fusion Energy, ישות חלוצית בנוף אנרגיית ההיתוך, מזמינה את קהילת אנרגיית ההיתוך העולמית לבצע בדיקת בטא של חבילת מוצרי הסימולציה של קרונוס. חבילה זו, המשלבת מודלים ואלגוריתמים מתקדמים של AI/ML, תוכננה להקל על המסחור המהיר של טכנולוגיית אנרגיית היתוך.

Kronos Fusion Energy Unveils Groundbreaking AI/ML-Powered Simulation Suite for Fusion Reactors, Calls for Global Community Beta Testers

Kronos Fusion Energy, a leader in the fusion energy sector, invites the global fusion energy community to beta test their advanced AI/ML-enhanced suite of simulation products, designed to expedite the commercialization of fusion energy technology.

IRVINE, CA / April 3, 2023 / ACCESSWIRE:

Kronos Fusion Energy, a pioneering entity in the fusion energy landscape, extends an invitation to the global fusion energy community to beta test its suite of Kronos simulation products. This suite, incorporating advanced AI/ML models and algorithms, is engineered to facilitate the swift commercialization of fusion energy technology.

Priyanca Ford, the founder of Kronos Fusion Energy, remarked, "Since 1970, we've witnessed fusion energy capability double every 1.8 years in terms of plasma density, pressure, and confinement time, reflecting the growth trajectory of transistor numbers on silicon chips that revolutionized the electronics industry. At Kronos Fusion Energy, we believe that with the aid of AI/ML-driven continuous development and strategic investments today, achieving practical fusion energy will be within our grasp in less than 20 years."

Encompassing six distinct fusion energy generator configurations, the suite supports field-reversed configuration (FRC), magnetized target fusion (MTF), fusion energy drive (FED), magnetic confinement fusion (MCF), inertial confinement fusion (ICF), and stellarator reactor types. The AI/ML-enhanced simulation suite is developed on Python, SAP, MATLAB/SIMULINK, Amazon Web Services, and D-wave platforms, and comprises:

  • Kronos MagnetSim: AI/ML-drivensimulation of confinement magnets
  • Kronos PlasmaSim: Plasmadensity and dynamics modeling using advanced algorithms
  • Kronos IgnSym: AI-basedignition process and transition to aneutronic operation analysis
  • Kronos FuelSim: Plasma fuelingand fuel cycle system simulation leveraging ML techniques
  • Kronos HeliSim: Aneutronicfuel systems exploration with AI/ML capabilities
  • Kronos SafeSim: Fusion energysafety and security assessment through AI-guided safety thresholds andsweet spots simulation
  • Kronos MilSim: Specialcondition simulations for diverse applications with heightened securityrequirements and AI/ML integration
  • Kronos DriveSim:Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and gyrokinetics simulations for core andpedestal analysis utilizing AI/ML models
  • Kronos TokaSim: AI-enhancedtokamak reactor simulation
  • Kronos QuantumSim: Traditionalsimulation adaptation for quantum computer operation incorporating AI/MLmethodologies
  • Kronos SpaceSim: AI/ML-poweredspace application simulation for size, weight, and zero-gravity operationoptimization
  • Kronos RuggSim: Extremeapplication operation simulation necessitating specialized materials andconstruction techniques, supported by AI/ML
  • Kronos MatSim: Fusion energygenerator material utilization simulation employing advanced AI/MLalgorithms

Kronos Fusion Energy's AI/ML-driven improvements to the S.M.A.R.T. tokamak system are meticulously engineered to enhance its operational capabilities and performance. These advancements increase the probability of achieving the high confinement efficiency and elevated "beta" values essential for successful aneutronic fusion, by leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques.

About Kronos Fusion Energy:

Kronos Fusion Energy, a leading company in the fusion sector, is dedicated to creating AI/ML-powered solutions for various reactor types to meet the world's increasing energy needs. By utilizing advanced simulation methods and aneutronic fusion technologies, Kronos aims to promote environmental conservation and foster long-term global stability in the energy landscape.

Contact Information

Andrea Romero 
Sakura Marketing
[email protected]

Related Files

kronos fusion energy simulations.png

SOURCE: Kronos Fusion Energy Incorporated

*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית ACCESSWIRE

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