דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים Zoom Docs הראשון עם בינה מלאכותית AI הושק לראשונה ב-Zoom Workplace
Zoom Docs הראשון עם בינה מלאכותית AI הושק לראשונה ב-Zoom Workplace
חיים נוי 06/08/24 |  צפיות: 214

Zoom Docs הראשון עם בינה מלאכותית AI הושק לראשונה ב-Zoom Workplace, משפר את יעילות הפגישות ומשנה את שיתוף הפעולה בין הצוותים, יצירת המסמכים ותכנון הפרויקטים

*מטבו את שיתוף הפעולה ב-Zoom Workplace עם Zoom Docs מהדור הבא; הפכו תוכן מפגישות זום למסמכים מעשיים באמצעות AI Companion

*העיצוב הראשון של Zoom Docs, הניתן להתאמה אישית באמצעות בינה מלאכותית, מתאים את עצמו בקלות לצרכי הצוות והפרויקטים, כולל מסמכים, דפי Wiki וטבלאות, ומספק מקום אחד לניהול העבודה

סן חוזה, קליפורניה, 5 באוגוסט 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (נאסד"ק: ZM) הודיעה על השקת Zoom Docs, פתרון המסמכים השיתופיים הראשון שלה עם בינה מלאכותית, החל מהיום. Zoom Docs מופעל על ידי Zoom AI Companion, עוזר הבינה המלאכותית הגנרטיבי של החברה הזמין ללא עלות נוספת*, כדי לעזור לקדם פרודוקטיביות ושיתוף פעולה חלק ברחבי Zoom Workplace.

AI-first Zoom Docs debuts on Zoom Workplace, enhancing meeting effectiveness and transforming team collaboration, document creation, and project planning

  • Optimize collaborationacross Zoom Workplace with next-gen Zoom Docs; transform content from ZoomMeetings into actionable documents with AI Companion
  • Zoom Docs’AI-first customizable design easily adapts to team and project needs,including documents, wikis, and tables, providing a single place to managework

SAN JOSE, Calif., Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) announced the rollout of Zoom Docs, its AI-first collaborative docs solution, starting today. Zoom Docs is powered by Zoom AI Companion, the company’s generative AI assistant available at no additional cost*, to help drive productivity and seamless collaboration throughout Zoom Workplace.

"Zoom Docs is our first Zoom Workplace product with generative AI built in from the ground up; it effortlessly transforms information from Zoom Meetings into actionable documents and knowledge bases, so teams can stay focused on meaningful work," said Smita Hashim, chief product officer at Zoom. "Zoom Docs is included at no additional cost with Zoom Workplace paid licenses, creating even more value for our customers. With AI Companion available every step of the way, Zoom Docs is purpose-built to empower people to ‘work happy’ and give them more time back in their day."

Zoom Docs transforms team collaboration

Zoom Docs can help solve critical challenges facing modern workforces, including time wasted on repetitive tasks, information overload, and facilitation of cross-functional alignment. By utilizing Zoom AI Companion to convert meeting outcomes into actionable documents, Zoom Docs can jumpstart content creation and adapt to different individual and team needs to help boost workers’ productivity.

Zoom Docs’ AI-first capabilities help Zoom Workplace users make teamwork more collaborative and effective, optimize productivity by keeping information organized, and reduce silos by empowering teams to communicate and share information more fluidly. Potential use cases for Zoom Docs include:

  • Meeting collaboration: Zoom Docssimplifies meeting collaboration with AI Companion by transforming meetingcontent into meaningful documents, centralizing meeting summaries withmeeting docs, and facilitating co-editing on docs within meetings.
  • Business documents: Whethercreating content, business proposals, or reports, AI Companion for ZoomDocs makes content generation, revision, summarization, and translationeasy for global teams.
  • Projectplanning: Planningcomplex projects can be messy. Zoom Docs can help with time-savingtemplates for project briefs and tracking for a variety of use cases likeproduct launches, marketing campaigns, and event management, consolidatingproject-related materials, and improving visibility across progresstracking, status updates, and timelines.
  • Informationhub: Usefulfor knowledge-base creation, team onboarding, and goal tracking, users canbuild robust wikis for a single source of information.

Additional AI-first capabilities help teams do their best work

With the power of AI Companion, Zoom Docs simplifies work and brings information together for optimal results.

  • Turn AI Companionmeeting summaries into easily editable docs, freeing up timespent on note-taking and manually copying notes into a shared documentwith templates for one-on-ones, stand-up meetings, brainstorming, projectupdates, discussions, Q&As, customer success, user feedback, and more.
  • Generatecontent basedon AI Companion meeting transcripts. Use custom or preset commands orqueries with AI Companion to further create and revise content.
  • Revise andsummarize content such as articles, plans, and outlines,change tone and style, catch grammatical and spelling errors, andtranslate content into nine languages (with support for additionallanguages planned) for multilingual teams with AI Companion.

Maximize meeting effectiveness to drive better outcomes

Meetings are core to Zoom Workplace, and Zoom Docs builds on that experience by enhancing collaboration before, during, and after meetings, empowering users to stay more aligned and achieve better results.

  • Start and schedulemeetings from a Zoom Doc to connect with colleagues and quicklystreamline workflows.
  • Create, share, andco-edit docs during meetings. Meeting attendees can follow along withthe presenter, co-edit, and comment on the doc in real time withoutleaving the meeting window. Attendees on mobile devices can viewin-meeting doc collaboration without signing in.
  • Create an editableand shareable doc that includes relevant meeting informationfrom a meeting in a customizable format.
  • Streamlinepermission sharing to reduce time spent granting access todocs with bulk permission settings for meeting attendees, and the abilityto grant temporary access to meeting attendees to collaborate during themeeting. Users can also share Zoom Docs in Team Chat channels and withindividuals in specific chats directly from Zoom Docs.
  • Share docs acrossZoom Workplace viaZoom Team Chat or Zoom Mail or invite colleagues to collaborate live inZoom Meetings to streamline editing.

Get work done in one place for better results

Adapt docs to different individual and team needs to keep collaboration fluid and information organized.

  • Customize docswith content blocks for texts, tables, images, charts, and more tohelp increase efficiency and reduce information management across multipleapps. Add data tables for team collaboration and planning to trackassignments and projects. Add checklists, images, videos, and callouts tomake the doc more engaging, and utilize the multi-column layout forgreater flexibility in organizing content.
  • Embed content fromacross Zoom Workplace and third parties like ZoomWhiteboard, Google Drive, Figma, X, and YouTube to make informationcentrally accessible.
  • Stayorganized bystarring frequently used docs or quickly filtering docs by author forquick access.

Optimize team collaboration

Reduce silos and keep collaborators informed, connected, and aligned.

  • Keep an eye onprogress usingtables, checklists, and trackers for activities, due dates, status, and assignedowners, with various views like Kanban boards, calendars, and galleries.
  • Organize teamdocuments indedicated wikis to provide central locations for shared information.
  • Group, filter,sort, and search data tables to easily visualizeinformation and quickly locate the needed data.
  • Edit concurrentlywith up to 100 users in a single Zoom Doc, and tag teammates in editsand comments.
  • Quickly add,remove, and change permissions for internal teammates and externalusers to confidently share and collaborate on a doc’s contents.

Zoom Docs with AI Companion is included with all paid Zoom Workplace plans*. Basic (free) users can create up to 10 shared docs and unlimited personal docs without AI Companion but can upgrade to Zoom Workplace Pro, Business, or Enterprise plans for access to AI Companion capabilities across Zoom Workplace, including Docs. Account owners and admins may enable or disable AI Companion for Zoom Docs.

Zoom Docs is available beginning today for users of the Zoom Workplace app, version 6.1.6 or later, which can be downloaded from the Zoom website, and users can also access Zoom Docs from the Docs web homepage or the Zoom Web App.

*Note: AI Companion is included at no additional cost with the paid services assigned to Zoom accounts. AI Companion, including AI Companion capabilities in Zoom Docs, may not be available for all regions and industry verticals.

About Zoom

Zoom’s mission is to provide one platform that delivers limitless human connection. Reimagine teamwork with Zoom Workplace — Zoom’s open collaboration platform with AI Companion empowers teams to be more productive. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer care teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more information at zoom.com.

Zoom Public Relations
Lacretia Nichols
[email protected]

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דירוג המאמר:

תגיות של המאמר:

 חיים נוי

חיים נוי, עיתונאי, עורך ראשי של סוכנות החדשות הבינ"ל IPA, לשעבר עורך ראשי של סוכנות הידיעות עתים, חבר תא מבקרי התיאטרון באגודת העיתונאים


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