דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים בומברדייה מודיעה על שינויים בדירקטוריון שלה
בומברדייה מודיעה על שינויים בדירקטוריון שלה
חיים נוי 14/12/24 |  צפיות: 168

בומברדייה מודיעה על שינויים בדירקטוריון שלה

בטינה פצר, סגנית נשיא, דיגיטל ותקשורת ב-Mercedes-Benz AG

בומברדייה ממנה את בטינה פצר לדירקטוריון שלה, החל מ-1 בינואר 2025.

מונטריאול, 13 בדצמבר 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

בומברדייה (Bombardier) שמחה להודיע על מינויה של בטינה פצר למועצת המנהלים שלה, החל מה-1 בינואר 2025.

Bombardier Announces Changes to its Board of Directors

Ms. Bettina Fetzer, Vice President Digital & Communications at MercedesBenz AG

Bombardier appoints Bettina Fetzer to its Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2025.


Bombardier is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Bettina Fetzer to its Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2025.

Bettina Fetzer is Vice President Digital & Communications at Mercedes‐Benz AG. She joined the company in 2004, and after working in various positions within Daimler AG and its subsidiaries, she became Head of Global Communications Mercedes‐Benz in 2015. Thereafter she was appointed youngest Vice President at Mercedes‐Benz in 2018 and became the first female Chief Marketing Officer of the company. Ms. Fetzer has served as a Director of Laureus World Sports Awards Ltd. and as member of the Board of Advisors of Mercedes‐Benz Museum. Ms. Fetzer holds a Diploma in European Business Studies from Hochschule Landshut, Germany and a Master’s in Business Management from the Lord Ashcroft International Business School, Cambridge, U.K. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Moncler SpA.

"Bombardier has undergone a significant and meaningful transformation over the past years. I am thrilled to join the company’s Board of Directors at such an exciting, and forward-looking time," said Bettina Fetzer. "The Bombardier name is growing among the top brands of the world, and its products and services are second to none in the industry. I look forward to collaborating with my fellow Board peers to further write the next chapter in the company’s iconic legacy of pioneering innovation."

Bombardier also announced that Mr. Ji-Xun Foo and Mr. Eric Sprunk have transitioned out of the company’s Board of Directors for personal reasons. They had served on the Board since 2022 and 2021, respectively.

"As Messrs. Foo and Sprunk depart from the Board after years of valued participation, I would like to extend my best wishes and personally thank them for the insights and wisdom they brought to Bombardier during their tenure. They greatly contributed to shaping the company we are today," said Pierre Beaudoin, Chairman of the Board, Bombardier. "We look forward to welcoming Ms. Fetzer to our Board in the New Year. I am convinced her invaluable experience, passion and counsel will continue to propel Bombardier forward."

About Bombardier

At Bombardier (BBD-B.TO), we design, build, modify and maintain the world’s best-performing aircraft for the world’s most discerning people and businesses, governments and militaries. That means not simply exceeding standards, but understanding customers well enough to anticipate their unspoken needs.

For them, we are committed to pioneering the future of aviation—innovating to make flying more reliable, efficient and sustainable. And we are passionate about delivering unrivaled craftsmanship and care, giving our customers greater confidence and the elevated experience they deserve and expect. Because people who shape the world will always need the most productive and responsible ways to move through it.

Bombardier customers operate a fleet of approximately 5,000 aircraft, supported by a vast network of Bombardier team members worldwide and 10 service facilities across six countries. Bombardier’s performance-leading jets are proudly manufactured in aerostructure, assembly and completion facilities in Canada, the United States and Mexico. In 2024, Bombardier was honoured with the prestigious "Red Dot: Best of the Best" award for Brands and Communication Design.

For Information

For corporate news and information, including Bombardier’s Environmental, Social and Governance report, as well as the company’s plans to cover all its flight operations with a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) blend utilizing the Book and Claim system visit bombardier.com.

Learn more about Bombardier’s industry-leading products and customer service network at bombardier.com. Follow us on X @Bombardier.

Media Contacts
General media contact webform

Francis Richer de La Flèche  
Vice President, Financial Planning and Investor Relations 
+1 514 240-9649

Mark Masluch 
Senior Director, Communications 
+1 514 855-7167

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/2c82bea8-aa58-43fc-8019-f8314681114d

*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית GlobeNewswire

דירוג המאמר:

תגיות של המאמר:

 חיים נוי

חיים נוי, עיתונאי, עורך ראשי של סוכנות החדשות הבינ"ל IPA, לשעבר עורך ראשי של סוכנות הידיעות עתים, חבר תא מבקרי התיאטרון באגודת העיתונאים


מאמרים נוספים מאת חיים נוי
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נובה גוריקה הסלובנית וגוריציה האיטלקית נפגשות כדי לכתוב פרק תרבותי חדש – פרק ללא גבולות. ב-8 בפברואר 2025, חג התרבות של סלובניה, הערים התאומות אירחו חגיגת פתיחה מרהיבה לאורך כל היום. תחת הכותרת "מתחנה לתחנה", החגיגות התפרשו על פני רחובות וכיכרות, ויתעוררו לחיים על ידי מוזיקאים, רקדנים, פולקלוריסטים ופרפורמרים

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