דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים LyondellBasell ו-Covestro מודיעות על סגירה לצמיתות של יחידת PO11 ב-Maasvlakte
LyondellBasell ו-Covestro מודיעות על סגירה לצמיתות של יחידת PO11 ב-Maasvlakte
חיים נוי 18/03/25 |  צפיות: 41

LyondellBasell ו-Covestro מודיעות על סגירה לצמיתות של יחידת PO11 ב-Maasvlakte

אתר Maasvlakte, מיזם משותף של LYB ו- Covestro

MAASSVLAKTE, הולנד, 18 במרץ 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

LyondellBasell (LYB) ו-Covestro החליטו במשותף לסגור לצמיתות את יחידת הייצור של פרופילן אוקסיד סטירן ומונומר (PO11) באתר Maasvlakte בהולנד. החלטה זו מגיעה לאחר שיקול דעת מעמיק וזהיר ומונעת על ידי הלחץ המתמשך על רווחיותה של Maasvlakte בשל יכולות יתר גלובליות, גידול חזק ביבוא מאסיה ועלויות גבוהות של הייצור האירופי. למרבה הצער, מצב זה צפוי להימשך, ולכן ייצור רווחי לטווח ארוך יותר אינו צפוי.

LyondellBasell and Covestro announce permanent closure of PO11 unit at Maasvlakte

The Maasvlakte site, a joint venture between LYB and Covestro.

Photo credit: Alex Lokker.

MAASSVLAKTE, Netherlands, March 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

LyondellBasell (LYB) and Covestro have jointly decided to permanently close the Propylene Oxide Styrene and Monomer (POSM) production unit (PO11) at the Maasvlakte site in the Netherlands. This decision comes after thorough and careful consideration and is driven by the continued pressure on Maasvlakte's profitability due to global overcapacities, a strong increase of imports from Asia and high costs of European production. Unfortunately, this situation is expected to continue, so longer-term profitable production is not anticipated.

"While the decision to shut down the PO11 unit is difficult, we must ensure all assets within our portfolio are a long-term strategic fit," said Aaron Ledet, executive vice-president, I&D and Supply Chain. "We are prioritizing our core assets which play a key role in our technology differentiation and circularity or provide attractive returns over the cost of capital. We take our obligations toward our employees, European employee reps, councils and unions seriously. We have engaged with them in line with these obligations and will continue to do so. We would like to thank them for the constructive dialogue. We are also in communication with customers, suppliers and other parties across the value chain and will continue to do business as usual. There is no change to our working relationship, and we continue to focus on providing an exceptional customer and supplier experience."

"As part of our Sustainable Future Strategy, we’re continuously working to optimally position Covestro to be a reliable partner for our customers and to operate competitively in a challenging market environment," said Hermann-Josef Dörholt, head of the Performance Materials Business Entity at Covestro. "Due to global overcapacities, persistently weak demand, and high costs in Europe, we have jointly decided with LYB to close the PO11 plant. We will support LYB in implementing this change as socially responsibly as possible. At the same time, we remain committed to the European market and will continue to supply customers with our renowned polyether polyols portfolio."

The Maasvlakte site, a joint venture between LYB and Covestro, has been operational in the Rotterdam region since 2003. Between now and the end of 2026, LYB will carry out a process to safely shut down and prepare for the demolition of the asset.

In 2024, LYB announced a strategic review of European assets of its Olefins & Polyolefins (O&P) and Intermediates & Derivatives (I&D) business units. LYB has taken the next step in evaluating the option to seek alternative ownership for the O&P sites in the strategic assessment. At this time no decisions have been made and various outcomes remain possible.

About LyondellBasell

We are LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) ― a leader in the global chemical industry creating solutions for everyday sustainable living. Through advanced technology and focused investments, we are enabling a circular and low carbon economy. Across all we do, we aim to unlock value for our customers, investors, and society. As one of the world's largest producers of polymers and a leader in polyolefin technologies, we develop, manufacture and market high-quality and innovative products for applications ranging from sustainable transportation and food safety to clean water and quality healthcare. For more information, please visit www.lyondellbasell.com or follow @LyondellBasell on LinkedIn.

About Covestro

Covestro is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality polymer materials and their components. With its innovative products, processes and methods, the company helps enhance sustainability and the quality of life in many areas. Covestro supplies customers around the world in key industries such as mobility, building and living, as well as the electrical and electronics sector. In addition, polymers from Covestro are also used in sectors such as sports and leisure, telecommunications and health, as well as in the chemical industry itself.

The company is geared completely to the circular economy. In addition, Covestro aims to achieve climate neutrality for its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2035, and the Group’s Scope 3 emissions are also set to be climate neutral by 2050. Covestro generated sales of EUR 14.2 billion in fiscal year 2024. At the end of 2024, the company had 46 production sites worldwide and employed approximately 17,500 people (calculated as full-time equivalents).

Media Inquiries LYB Global
LyondellBasell Media Relations
Phone: +1-713-309-7575
Email: [email protected]


Media Inquiries LYB Europe
Robert Kleissen, External Affairs Europe
Phone: +31-6-273-573-98
Email: [email protected]

Media Inquiries Covestro
Markus Kleine-Beck, Corporate Trade Media Relations
Phone: +49-173-2320-686
Email: [email protected]

Svenja Paul, Corporate Media Relations
Phone: +49-214-6009-2814
Email: [email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/ab7935cb-361b-4c8f-82f7-81f1b6bcd387

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מאמרים נוספים מאת חיים נוי
LyondellBasell ו-Covestro מודיעות על סגירה לצמיתות של יחידת PO11 ב-Maasvlakte
אתר Maasvlakte, מיזם משותף של LYB ו- Covestro

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