דף הבית אינטרנט והחיים ברשת ניהול תוכן Italian Technical Translator
Italian Technical Translator
Dario Galante Italian Translator 19/03/12 |  צפיות: 3715


Every customer deserves the best service possible and when a customer requests to translate GUI strings, an expert is needed.

Microsoft set the industry standards in translating the GUI strings; after many years of experience, I have been able to develop my own style, very close to Microsoft's, allowing me to limit the number of needed characters while translating from English into Italian.

Problem is that often the windows and the text boxes are designed around the English text, and noting that the Italian translation may be 20-30% longer than the English one in the number of characters, that explains why I can help customer in reducing costs without the need to redesign pages and resize buttons and other GUI elements.

First Example:

English text
You are required to comply with applicable copyright laws and the terms of your license agreement

Italian translation
Si deve essere adeguati alle leggi di copyright e ai termini della propria licenza che sono applicabili. 

Better Italian translation
ָ necessario conformarsi con le leggi di copyright e i termini della propria licenza applicabili. ]

Second Example:

English text
The Proof Set does not contain any records.

Italian translation
Il gruppo prova non include nessuna registrazione.

Better Italian translation
Il gruppo prova non contiene registrazioni.

Third example:

English source text:
The user and administrator certificate templates are both missing.

Italian translation:
I modelli di certificato utente ed amministratore sono entrambi mancanti.

Better  Italian translation:
Mancano entrambi i modelli di certificato utente e amministratore.

These examples show why an expert is always needed.

דירוג המאמר:

תגיות של המאמר:

 Dario Galante Italian Translator


מאמרים נוספים מאת Dario Galante Italian Translator
Italian Technical Translator
WHY AN EXPERT Every customer deserves the best service possible and when a customer requests to translate GUI strings, an expert is needed. Microsoft set the industry standards in translating the GUI strings; after many years of experience, I have been able to develop my own style, very close to Microsoft's, allowing me to limit the number of needed characters while translating from English into Italian
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